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Reading group

Intervenant: Vianney Perchet ENS Paris Saclay

Objectifs of the course

In this reading group, we will follow the (excellent) book of F. Santambrogio on optimal transportation."Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians - Calculus of Variations, PDEs and Modeling".
In each of the seance, two students will present the main results/proofs of one (or two for the last shorter one) chapter and the associated exercices will be solved by the other participants.


In each of the seance, two students will present the main results/proofs of one (or two for the last shorter one) chapter and the associated exercices will be solved by the other participants.
The course is selective (at most 15 students, 10 is better). Volunteers have to send me email before.
Grading is based on the presence, the participation and on the solutions given for the exercices.